Tuesday, 27 June 2017

HTML to WordPress - Step 1

1. Create a folder with a name at your WordPress themes folder.
2. Create index.php and style.css files.
3. Copy the following code into your style.css file and save it.
Theme Name: Femiya Theme
Theme URI: http://1wmedia.in
Author: Jamal Mohammed
Author URI: http://1wmedia.in
4.  Now go to your WordPress dashboard - Appearance - Themes - and mouse over to the Femiya Theme and Click Activate.
5. Copy the index.html file and paste it into index.php
6. Now copy the main styles from the CSS folder and paste it into the style.css - Should be below the */ code. (View 3rd  point).
7. Create header.php and footer.php.
8. Cut the header part from index.php and add it to header.php file
9. Replace header part at index.php with the following code.
<?php get_header(); ?>

10. Cut the footer part from index.php and add it to your footer.php file.
11.  Now replace footer part at index.php with the following code.
<?php get_footer(); ?>

12. Save all the files.

Watch the video Tutorial:

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