Tuesday 8 August 2017

How to become WordPress Expert?

Becoming WordPress Expert? It's not easy. Here are some tips which helps you  to master in WordPress.
  • You need to spend at least one year, So start now.
  • Codex will play important role. So use codex whenever you need.
  • Go to this website and read handbooks. https://developer.wordpress.org/
  • Watch YouTube WordPress video tutorials.
  • Be strong in following languages,scripts and Databases, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, MySql.
  • Buy some online video tutorials, Recommended Websites : Eduonix, Tutsplus, Udemy, Lynda, Teamtreehouse (Use All websites, different courses)
  • Hire an expert or teacher online for WordPress learning
  • Always do your coding project based, I mean developing themes or plugins (I'm sure this will help you)
  • Don't waste your time to learning basics of languages again and again. I mean If you are intermediate, try with developing project, don't learn PHP, HTML individually. 
  • If you are beginner, start with developing HTML, PHP and JavaScript projects. if you complete two or three projects, then switch to learn WordPress.
  • Read some blogs like tutsplus.
  • Follow WordPress authors in Social Media. They will share some important inforamtions. It's a shortcut way for fast learning.  
  • Learn about WordPress core.
  • Finish at least 5 simple theme development in a month.
  • Try to develop 5 simple plugins in a month.
  • Spend at least one hour per day for video tutorials.
  • One hour for developing or writing codes.
  • One hour for reading WordPress tutorial blogs and Authors blog.
 Developing themes and plugins will help you a lot than others.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

HTML to WordPress - Step 1

1. Create a folder with a name at your WordPress themes folder.
2. Create index.php and style.css files.
3. Copy the following code into your style.css file and save it.
Theme Name: Femiya Theme
Theme URI: http://1wmedia.in
Author: Jamal Mohammed
Author URI: http://1wmedia.in
4.  Now go to your WordPress dashboard - Appearance - Themes - and mouse over to the Femiya Theme and Click Activate.
5. Copy the index.html file and paste it into index.php
6. Now copy the main styles from the CSS folder and paste it into the style.css - Should be below the */ code. (View 3rd  point).
7. Create header.php and footer.php.
8. Cut the header part from index.php and add it to header.php file
9. Replace header part at index.php with the following code.
<?php get_header(); ?>

10. Cut the footer part from index.php and add it to your footer.php file.
11.  Now replace footer part at index.php with the following code.
<?php get_footer(); ?>

12. Save all the files.

Watch the video Tutorial:

Thursday 22 December 2016

SEO Tricks and Tips

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - We know what is SEO, but how to make our website SEO friendly? Here are some tips.

Keywords - Most of us thinking like this - If we give more keywords inside the <head> tag (meta keywords), then our site will display on top of the search engine results. But most of the search engine's are not working like this. Google stopped this meta keywords technique on 2009. For more information, Please click here .

You may ask - where can I give my keywords?

Please note that your content is powerful than other SEO techniques. But you can focus your keywords here.
  • Inside your title tag.
  • Meta description.
  • h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 tags. 
  • Wonderful Content 
1. Inside your title tag:
    Length of your title should be less than 60 characters. Title should be related to your content.

2. Meta description:
    Most search engines prefer an meta descriptions between 80 and 150 characters. Description should be related to your content of the page.

3.  h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 tags :
   When creating title heading and sub headings of your page, use the H tags. This is one of the powerful keyword tags.

4.  Wonderful Content :
   Contents are playing main role in SEO. So concentrate on your contents. Fresh and useful contents always visible first - on search engine results.


+ Create OG ( Open Graph) for your webpages and insert them.
+ Create Twitter card and other social media links and embed them into your webpage.
+ Create Google map and link your website into the map.
+ Always use tags and meta description for your pages.
+ Title of your post and page will do SEO. So please create titles using title suggestion tools.

SEO Analyzing websites or tools

SEO Analyze:


Keyword Analyze:


Thursday 15 September 2016

WordPress Tutorial - How to add text settings - Option Tree

In this lesson, We will see how to add simple text setting for your custom theme using Option Tree plugin.

If you didn't view my previous tutorial -> Please click here.

1. It is very similar to my previous tutorial.
2. Instead h2 title, we will add the following code.

<h2><?php echo ot_get_option( 'featured_heading_1', 'Heading Title 1' ); ?></h2>

3. So please go to Dashboard -> Option Tree -> click -> add setting
4. Give label name and id name
5. Type -> You can choose any one of the following -> Text Area, Text, Text Area Simple
6. Add the following code where you need to display your text.

<?php echo ot_get_option( 'ID', 'Default TEXT' ); ?>

7. Instead of ID, You should give your own ID name created at steps 3,4
8. Default TEXT will display if you didn't give any text at Theme Options

Video Tutorial:

Thursday 8 September 2016

WordPress Tutorial - How to add image settings - Option Tree

In this lesson, We will see how to add simple setting for your theme using Option Tree plugin.

If you didn't view my previous tutorial (How to install Option tree plugin) -> Please click here.

1. Go to Dashboard.
2. Click Option Tree -> Settings -> Click add setting button -> Type your settings.
3. Label -> Featured Image 1 (You can add whatever the name you want).
4. ID -> fi1 (You can add whatever the name you want).
5. Type -> Upload.
6. Go down and click save.
7. Now open Appearance  -> Theme Options -> Your settings for Featured Image 1 will display here.
8. Now open your front-page.php file. (I have set my front-page is home page, if your index.php is your home page, please open it).

9. Find the three columns round image option. I mean the following code from your front-page.php.

 <img class="img-circle" src="             " alt="Generic placeholder image" width="140" height="140">

Or where ever you want to add image setting.

Add the following code inside the src=""

<?php echo ot_get_option( $option_id, $default ); ?>

Here  "$option_id" will display your changed image. So add your id here. For example "fi1". Refer 4th point.

"$default" is your default image (value). If you didn't add any image at your theme options page this default image will display here. So give your default image link here. 

After implementing this setting image tag will display something like this.

<img class="img-circle" src="
          <?php echo ot_get_option( 'fi1', '' ); ?>
          " alt="Generic placeholder image" width="140" height="140"> 

10. Now go to your Appearance -> Theme Options ->  Featured Image 1 -> Click + sign and upload image or add image from your media library -> Click Send Option Tree button -> Click save option.

11. Your custom image will display at front end.

Please view the Video Tutorial: